Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Great Evening With My Reiki Teacher

Tonight I and my fiancee went to meet with my Reiki teacher and a friend of hers to discuss redoing the crystal shop website that she runs with her sister who showed up later.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Reiki Level III Class Complete

After a week of everything settling down with my system I was finally able to schedule the level III class I missed last Saturday.
Between last weeks classes and today's level III class it was quite awesome to experience the Violet Flame, Celestial Healing and the new attunements. I also started learning about teaching Reiki.
This time we are waiting out the full 21 day cleansing process so what happened last week does not repeat.
Our next class, level IV will not be until at least the middle of January. After that Level V will be my last actual class before I teach a Reiki I class for my Master Teacher certification.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Had To Cancel Today's Class

Well, apparently not having done as much Reiki in one day as I did yesterday for the two classes had done a number on me.  I woke up early this morning to get ready for the Level III class. I had my cell phone by my bed and I confirmed with my teacher that I would be there then moments later it hit me.
Sudden stomach flu type symptoms, heart beating so hard and fast that my fiancee felt it beating as I laid next to her in bed. Fever started to build, nausea and cotton mouth.
I laid there for about an hour remembering that this happened to me after my two day intensive for my Reiki practitioner class. So, I wanted to see if it would subside but this was much worse. After about an hour I unfortunately had to let my teacher know I could not make it to class.
Then I laid back down and it wiped me out so badly that I slept until almost 10 PM and stayed in bed a little longer until I felt I could get out of bed without crawling.
This was about an hour ago and I am just now starting to feel slightly normal.
Now, sadly, I am behind in my classes again. The good thing is I only need to make up one class this time instead of two.
Hopefully I can make it up next week.

Friday, December 16, 2011

First Reiki Master Teacher Classes Started Today

 Today I started the Master Teacher classes. I had to take two classes today as opposed to 1 to catch up with the other class member so I could be on the "same page" as her tomorrow for the regularly scheduled third class.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Reiki Master Teacher Classes Starting Soon

Well, it has been about four months and it looks like I will finally start my Reiki Master Teacher course next week. I have been unable to take the course due to financial issues. Because of this I missed the beginning of the RMT course that started about a month ago.
About two weeks ago I found out that in a few days I should be receiving a fairly substantial check which will enable me to afford taking the course. Then, about a week ago I get a message from my teacher about me getting into her current course that is already in progress. It turns out that two of her three students had to leave the due to urgent job matters so she had spots open.
So, before the next that had already been scheduled for the middle of next month I need to take the first two classes of the course in one on one private classes back to back(two consecutive days)to catch up before the next scheduled class in the course.
This will be rather intense but I do seem to thrive on intense information input and I loved the back to back classes for the Practitioner course.
The one student who is left of the three is the same lady I took my Practitioner course with and I really enjoyed being in the class with her. She has been an acupuncturist for about 30 years and during one of my practice healing sessions I performed on her during the course she told her I gave her the emotional healing over the death of her mother that she has sought since the day she passed away. She told me her mother was in the hospital for a long time and she would visit her every day as she promised her mother she would. One day she could not make it to the hospital and her mother passed away that day.
I really can't wait. I knew this was the right path for me once everything kept falling in place to enable it all to happen and it seems that is still the case with the check that is quite unexpected.
There is also the fact that there are couple who have been interested in being my student once I begin teaching. At least one of them will be a student in the Reiki 1 class I am required to teach at the end of the course.

Monday, August 1, 2011

First Tattoo

Tonight I got my first tattoo, the Japanese symbol for Reiki, on my right upper arm. The right arm being commonly known as the "giving"side . It is about 2 inches wide and 4 inches tall. I had originally planned my first tattoo to be a memorial tattoo for my little sister but I have about 6-12 months to wait for the tattoo artist I want to be available and I have already waited about a year.
So, tonight I was at a friend's house and a friend of theirs drops by to do tattoos at their place when he comes through town.
When it came my turn I was more than anxious to say the least. Having been around people with tattoos all my life, having them tell me how bad it hurt and even seeing some get tattoos as they whine, scream and writhe in pain.  He drew the symbol on my skin based off of a print out I showed him of the symbol. He put his own creative style to it and didn't just make it all solid black like the print out. He made it look like brush strokes. Like someone who wrote kanji came up to me and wrote the symbol on my arm.
As I sat in the chair and he sat down on his stool and started preparing the ink in those tiny little plastic cups they use it really hit me that I am about to actually get my first tattoo.
Then the tattoo machine was turned on and the anxiousness kicked into high gear as I knew I was about to experience a lot of pain for probably 20 minutes or more non-stop.
He brings the tattoo machine up to my arm and goes right in and much to my surprise and to the surprise of those watching, it didn't even hurt at all during the whole process. I had one person previously describe the feeling as similar to a mild to moderate sunburn on the spot the needle happens to be  working and that is about right.
Now I look forward to my next tattoo whenever that is. I do think that I will continue on this arm with only Reiki themed tattoos but have not decided if it will be a half sleeve or full sleeve.
I definitely will not be nervous next time.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Received practitioners certification tonight

Tonight I fulfilled my requirements for receiving my Reiki Practitioner certification. Now to work on setting up my practice and obtain my Reiki Master Teacher certification so that I can also teach Reiki.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Completed 2nd Degree & 2nd Degree Advanced Class Today

Today I spent the day in my second and last class of the intensive and received attunement to Dai Ko Myo.
The next step is to participate in two Reiki circles where I give a Reiki session in each one in the presence of my teacher.Once I have completed my second Reiki session in her presence I will then be given my practitioners certificate.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Today I helped a friend in pain.

Today I experienced one of those things my Reiki teacher and many others mention happening when doing Reiki on someone.It was very positive but it threw me at first.

My fiancée,Alyssa, and I have an American Pit Bull Terrier that is a champion show dog. We got him from a local breeder who we have become good friends with. As it turns out she has Fibromyalgia so she is in constant pain all of the time. In the past Alyssa happened to mention my interest in Reiki,the abilities I have had since I was a kid and her experiences with me when she was in pain,etc to our friend on the phone.
Today our friend was showing her dogs at the show which involves repeatedly running around a show ring to show the dogs to the judges of the show and it really takes its toll on her.Her back especially.

Alyssa brought up Reiki again and asked if maybe I could do something for our friend and I of course said I would do what I could. I got our friends permission  and stood behind her as she leaned forward slightly in her camping chair(it was an outdoor show on open land owned by another dog show participant.

I started to work on her back which is what she expressed the most interest in having worked on.I could tell she was possibly a little skeptical but curious.  I never touched her,keeping my hands a couple of inches away. Within about 30 seconds she let out a little gasp and asked things like “What’s that?”,”He’s not touching me? How is this possible?I can feel it,it’s really hot.”

After a couple of minutes I heard a sniffle and realized she started to weep and that threw me at first until I realized they were tears of relief and she was telling us how her back was feeling better already.She has not been pain free anywhere in longer than she can remember.Our friends who were sitting around us watching silently.

I sent her a message earlier on Facebook asking how she was and she said she still feels great and that the pain came back for a brief moment but went away quickly.I kicked my abilities into high gear hoping to give her enough to last the rest of today and tonight at least.Perhaps this is why it went away right after it came back?

Saturday, April 16, 2011

My first Reiki class

Today was my long-awaited first of two Reiki intensive classes toward my Practitioners certificate and it was absolutely awesome.

I received 3 attunements and also performed and received Normal and distant Reiki with another student under the Reiki Master’s supervision. We also were taught how to use pendulums to check Chakras and practiced using them on each others Chakras which was very interesting especially considering how the results meshed with my assessment of the other students Chakras.

The second of the two classes was supposed to be tomorrow but she had to cancel due to some family business but I will go back later this coming week or next week.
She seemed surprised at how well I seemed to do.Especially at drawing the Cho ku Rei, Sei he ki and Hon sha se sho nen symbols.

I enjoyed the class much more than I expected to.I have so much reading ahead of me.We got a list of about 10-12 books to look for.Not for homework with a time limit but more like suggested reading.