Monday, January 16, 2012

Master Class Level IV Complete

Last week I completed the Level 4 class of the Master Classes.
This time I was able to finally work with my classmate. I had to take the first three by myself due to scheduling issues and other things mentioned in previous posts.
It was nice to finally get to work with her. This time in addition to learning more about teaching Reiki I learned more about using crystals during Reiki sessions and was introduced to a crystal, the name of which escapes me at the moment, that was so powerful my hand was buzzing with energy from over a foot away before it was in my hand. I held onto it for a bit during class and actually got a bit "crystal high" which was a first for me.
There is one class left next month and then in March I co-teach a small Reiki practitioner level 1 class with my classmate. I was a little nervous about teaching until I found out the only students will be the student I bring, a friend of mine interested in learning Reiki, and my classmate's student who is a friend of hers.
This is all getting more and more exciting the more I learn and closer I get to certification. It has definitely been an interesting journey since I took my first class. I will have my certification just under a year after having started the classes.